The Tower is another card that causes impact when it is revealed in a spread and certainly, its meaning is decisive. The Tower when it rises vertically indicates to us, among many other things, Disasters as something positive, internal turmoil, sudden change, and revelations. When the tower goes in reverse it signals the avoidance of taking risks, fear of disaster, of change. Let’s see its full meaning:
Letter correspondences:
Kabbalistics associates this card with the planet Mars, with the letter Hain, and with the number 70.
Esoterically it is associated with the astrological sign of Capricorn, the element Earth, and the season of autumn.
In numerology, it represents the number 16: 1 (God) + 6 (double trinity) = a happy number for some and for others it is disastrous. It can also be associated with the number 7 (16=1+6=7).
Graphic description of the letter:
The Tower in its figure presents a tall construction, built on top of a very steep mountain. Flames shoot out of the building’s windows and a gigantic lightning bolt destroys the building’s golden dome.
People jump from the tower in desperation, wanting to escape the destruction and chaos that has been unleashed.
The Tower signifies darkness and destruction on a physical scale, as opposed to a spiritual scale, and the tower itself represents ambitions built on false premises.
Lightning breaks existing forms to make room for new forms. It represents a sudden momentary vision of truth, a flash of inspiration that breaks the structures of ignorance and false reasoning. Lightning falls towards the earth representing the appearance of the spiritual.
The people falling correspond to the fall of the chained prisoners in the Devil card. They fall headlong, due to the sudden influx of spiritual consciousness represented by lightning, totally upsetting all our old ideas about the relationships between the subconscious and self-consciousness.
The flames are actually the Hebrew yods or Iods. There are 22 flames, which represent the 22 Major Arcana. The gray clouds are the clouds of misfortune, which the rain spreads indiscriminately throughout the world.
The Tower and its meaning to the right
General meaning:
The Tower is certainly a fearsome card. The single figure offers us a scenario of much change and also destruction. But this destruction can be positive.
The card represents disasters as something positive, internal turmoil, sudden change, and revelations. In its most negative phase, it can be destruction, even death if other very specific cards accompany it.
It is a card of problems and deep and vital reconsiderations since you may be in a situation that can no longer resist and, for your good, must change in any way.
You can no longer do this, therefore the Tower forces us to seriously reflect, discard what no longer serves us, and take only what will be useful for our existence.
The tower is an experience with a tremendous impact, often unexpected and sudden, something that fiercely shakes our lives. In extreme cases, it can be a divorce, job loss, financial ruin, or the death of a loved one.
The tower is an experience with a tremendous impact, often unexpected and sudden, something that fiercely shakes our lives. In extreme cases, it can be a divorce, job loss financial ruin, or the death of a loved one.
It is always something drastic, even if it is just an internal shock, a radical change in life, one of those reconsiderations that make us change the entire axis of our lives.
This card can also indicate a confinement of yourself, you have walled yourself with strong constructions and do not allow anything to move you. This is a defensive attitude to avoid any pain, but above all, it is the disguise that to a greater or lesser extent we all adopt to adjust to life in society and to cope with social conventions.
It is that certain falsehood that we can use to not clash with the rest, to not offend, such as telling your boss’s wife that the dress looks great on her when in reality you think it is a circus tent.
These walls can also hide certain attitudes or behaviors, aggressiveness or selfishness, and issues related to sexuality that you do not want to show at all. Well, you have to be attentive to what you have hidden because things can come to light when this card appears, leaving you exposed. This, initially negative, will be positive in the long term.
Finally, the card of The Tower can point out your ego. The ego in its negative part, perhaps being in a position in which in some way you feel superior to others, be it intellectually, culturally, socially, or economically, therefore, you must be very careful not to be controlled by this false Attachment to yourself, understanding that each person is unique, full of nuances and that everyone can always teach you something that you don’t know.
If this card comes out indicating a final result, it will not be positive, you will not achieve what you want.
If this card appears to define a person, it will tell us that they are in a process of great confusion and instability. Her transformation is in full progress, asking all kinds of questions and questions, both personal and about life itself.
If we ask about a particular situation and we receive this letter from La Torre, it will indicate that the situation is one of anger, there is anger resulting from the great instability and confusion that exists.
Regarding love, it is a card that usually indicates endings, breakups, separations, and divorces, although not exclusively. Other cards in the reading will affirm or deny this, but it is a negative card for love.
Even if there is no separation, it is a time of many doubts, questions, and serious questions, both your own and your partner’s towards you. The relationship itself is under the magnifying glass, and from these analyses, there are only two possible paths: either a breakup occurs or the period of questioning ends up strengthening them to lead a much better love life.
There is a great possibility of interference from third parties in the couple, mainly the family, who will get involved to complicate things even more.
Regarding work: It is a time for extreme caution in employment or activity, do not make mistakes, do your best, and do not question authorities or enter into conflicts with colleagues or subordinates.
It is a letter that usually indicates a change of job, either due to one’s reconsiderations about life, how one wants to live, and what one wants to do, or for external reasons, such as being abruptly fired.
This will be indicated by the other cards in the reading. In any case, the work is not exempt from this tremendous shock caused by the tower.
Money and finances:
This is not a time for risky investments, gambling, or thinking that the lottery will save you. You must take maximum care of your savings until better times arrive, which will certainly come.
If you were thinking of joining a partnership, opening a new business, or opening another branch, this letter asks you to think carefully, it could be a mistake at this time. If you owe money, do everything possible to pay off your debt and likewise, if they owe you, try to collect it.
In terms of health, you should take great care of yourself from stress and nerves at this time, which can become critical. You may be on the verge of a nervous breakdown if you don’t try to focus and calm down.
Try all kinds of relaxation therapies, yoga, readings, and meditations to help you find a balance to cope with this time of turmoil.
This is a time to stay positive as much as possible. New interpretations and points of view can come to you in the blink of an eye.
Remember and keep in mind at all times that everything in this life is a cycle, inevitable too, of light and darkness, of good and bad things, and that everything comes, everything passes, everything changes and everything ends.
If you want to know in depth La Torre’s predictions in the tarot regarding health, love, and money.